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Donating While on a Budget

Donating While on a Budget

Many people possess charitable instincts and yearn to help those less fortunate than themselves. However, not everyone has a significant amount of money to donate. Fortunately, however, individuals operating on a budget still may be able to support benevolent causes...
3 Ways Nonprofits Can Increase Monthly Donations

3 Ways Nonprofits Can Increase Monthly Donations

Nonprofits and charities have many similarities to for-profit businesses but they also face some challenges that for-profit businesses do not. For-profit businesses have a product or service to offer to a client or consumer. The more the client or consumer likes the...
Fundraising Trends for 2020

Fundraising Trends for 2020

Fundraising shifts have been occurring over the last few years, according to Chronicle of Philanthropy Association of Fundraising. As 2020 approaches, development departments across nonprofits are gearing up to raise funds for great causes, while trying to implement...
5 Tips to Volunteer Your Time This Holiday Season

5 Tips to Volunteer Your Time This Holiday Season

The holidays are a great time to reflect on what we’re thankful for. It’s also a good time to remember that not everyone may be as fortunate as us and that giving back is an important part of being a productive member of society. Here are several ways you...
Best Crowdfunding Sites For Charitable Giving

Best Crowdfunding Sites For Charitable Giving

Most non-profit organizations depend heavily upon cash donations to maintain operations. Although conventional ways of making charitable donations are still popular, many donors prefer to use crowdfunding when giving to charitable causes. Here is a list of the best...
Using Social Media to Enhance Your Charitable Cause

Using Social Media to Enhance Your Charitable Cause

Social media isn’t just good for business; it can also be used to help you garner support for your charitable cause. Some practices can be used in exactly the same way that commercial businesses employ them, while other practices may require minor adjustments....