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Nonprofits and charities have many similarities to for-profit businesses but they also face some challenges that for-profit businesses do not. For-profit businesses have a product or service to offer to a client or consumer. The more the client or consumer likes the product or service, the more likely that client or consumer will be to buy even more products or services from the business. 

Nonprofits and charities, however, rely on income from one group of people that is then used to satisfy the needs of an entirely different group of people. The very nature of nonprofits and charities can make it difficult to cultivate and keep donors, let alone encourage them to increase their giving. Here are three ways that charities can increase their monthly donations.

Keep Them Informed of What You are Doing

As a general rule, your donors rarely have the opportunity to see first-hand the impact their donor dollars are making. Therefore, it is in your best interest to create the most comprehensive picture you can of the type of impact their donations are making. Whether you are providing food, clothing, water, education or some other vital necessity, it is important to show your donors as clearly as possible the outcome of the valuable work you are doing with their donations.

Create Tiers

Everyone loves being a part of an exclusive club. Creating a tier system for donors will go a long way towards encouraging donors to give more. This is particularly true if they see and recognize the value of the work you are doing and the progress you are making towards creating a better future.

Treat Your Donors Like Valued Customers, Not Cash Cows

As much as it may be difficult to admit, the very mission of most charities and nonprofits is to take money from the “haves’ ‘ and use it to benefit the have-nots’. While many may be unaware of it, this can eventually lead to a growing compassion for the “have-nots” and a subtle disdain for the “haves.” Always remember that without your donors, you would be unable to do the valuable work that you do. The more you treat your donors like valued and valuable clients instead of cash cows, the more likely you are to see steady growth in giving.